the actual act of organizing
Today I put my organization plans to action. Let me tell you, that dresser had one study base! It was heavy heavy heavy, I basically pushed/dragged it all the way to the dump! Luna's room looks slighter bigger without it, I will admit, though now that we have all her stuff in tubs, it looks more like she just moved in (or is moving out). While recuperating from the heavy load/lifting, Luna and I did the normal daily shenanigans (screens, toys and the like). I also got the "tool sorting space" emptied so that my other half can sort his tools (finally!). Sausages are becoming my dinner duty (which is usually at least once a week) so I got to practice my actual cooking skills, today too...since Luna has become more like me in that she is an all-day snacker, rather than a full meals eater. After pulling an all-nighter reading (I just couldn't help myself!), I realized that I have to convince myself to take my meds more and more because while they DO help (at least I recognize that it lets me get a full nights sleep), the aches and pains and energy it takes to maintain trying not to have those aches and pains, I find more trouble then when dealing with them without the meds...which I also recognize is not healthy at all. However, as you can see, today has been a (mostly) normal Tuesday, How has yours been?