Monday Messes

Today we had a fun day of messy living. blocks, paw patrol, pj masks, other stuffies, and blankets galore all with the background sound of the screens streaming Luna videos. She had a blast rearranging the furniture to suit her playing, usually making big spaces so she can spread out and her toys can travel from place to place. Come evening time, she decided it was dark enough to bustle about outside for a bit before claiming the living room again. As she found "daddy packages" and he opened them, the boxesz soon became her toys, first for monsters to scare her daddy then as a home for trick or treating and pup playing that naturally transitioned to building with her playmobil round blocks! Tomorrow is her eye appointment so we shall see if she gets glasses like her mama! Since she keeps stealing mine, I have no doubt she would enjoy them, heh. 

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