How to get your active child to games and talk!

There was a lot of learning today. Well, every day of learning but today we did a lot of "school" learning! Our morning was the normal fare in cuddles and morning conversations. food and drink. Then she found her toys and we played with blocks and paw patrol (those pups did a lot of saving today). In between bouts of educational shows, she would find new direct games of fun. A game of catch quickly turned into counting (10s, and 1 to 1 counting from 20, 10, and 5) and ABCs (both sung and said with sounds to boot). Taking fun pictures preceded a lively (one-sided) conversation on an old cell phone. Hide and seek and keep away gave away to digging bubbles-and bath toys-in the bathtub. We had lots of fun sliding around the "ice" in the kitchen while we made the afternoon meals and snacks. She, of course, had her independent moments in which she explored in the sun and wanted to quietly play and read in her room. Oh and the art on the wall of that dot to dot painting! Though, she DID help clean the wall as best she could when asked. Today was a good day for a Tuesday and I am always impressed when she surprises me with how much she knows!
(luna picture)

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