Slow days

Today has been largely a slow day. We had some fun Simon says dancing, ball, and balloon playing, however, it mostly has been a day of quiet independent play and screens. We pigged out on leftovers and snacks. I've been prepping for my sleep study tonight and watching YouTube in between. For whatever reasons I have been drawn into horror mysteries and historical happenings. From how the Celts changed Britain (ST. Patrick and his skillfully subtle changes outlining how paganism have similarities-also the fact that it was basically outlawing the caste systems and implementing education) to horror mysteries in history and true crime biographies. Of course, my gossip (talk) shows, crafting/sewing videos and Time Team videos are still there. I subscribed to a new guy (The History Guy) who I find quite entertaining. Another guy (Simon Whistler) Who has a good like 56 channels and I'm not sure if he will ever stop. He is super entertaining though. All of his channels are information dumps (he started out with audio of him and a slide show) about that particular information (top ten lists, biographies, random information, geographies, and business). I was curious about him as I kept seeing him on my feeds. He apparently kinda stumbled his way into YouTube but treats every channel as a business, one he seems to be quite successful at too. Today is our shopping day. We get to be out among the people before I am dropped off to this sleep study.  According to my husband, it will be super cold for me as they tend to keep it in the 60s. The directions made mention of no caffeine, comfortable clothes (but nothing silky), favorite pillow and or blanket (optional) natural face, nails and hair (properly washed but dry), and any and all meds and meals brought or taken beforehand. Some of these make sense and some of them, I am slightly stressed over (mostly what the results will say). But I can't do much about it so we shall see!

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