Winds-day sun!

Another bright and sunny day with some wind, today, and thus a day out on the sun! Luna, with great enthusiasm, ran down the open corridor, and with a stick as her tool and dirt as her median, she conquered the car spotted near the mailbox alcove. We drew family pictures, dug holes, "planted" seeds that grew into flowers (and popcorn) and talked opposites (as she noted one hole was in the sun and the other was not) and then played jump the hole, in which, jumping over and not in, was the goal. She, of course,  then noticed that the shrubs could be an instrument and led in our music lesson (PJ Masks theme song). Alas, the fun and games ended when she resisted the idea of staying put when we were taking a water break...and when all the hullabaloo was over it was agreed upon that we wait for her father to go for the walk we were planning to do after said water break. We shall see what happens!

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