Book of the week: 1984

Today we visited a family friend and their 10-month-old boy. We haven't seen the family in a couple of years won't be nice to visit. As her kid is a lot younger, luna had some Sussex (though she had no problem with his toys, haha). We even got a magnetic fishing bath toy (I am hoping it lessens the bath time fuss) for another Xmas present, while the little mister got a fluffy blanket and some books. Speaking of books... the book of the week!

Book of the week: 1984; so this was a high school book that we had to read for some lesson or report of something. I only remembered that it was a government big brother story. The main character (Winston) is a worker bee for the party (the big brother government) who basically rebels and causes all sorts of problems. From my understanding, in the ending, he accepts the government after being tortured and betrayed (to and from) his lover. Totalitarianism was the name of the game along with all the factors that usually go with it. And we got a lot of lingo from the book (or the era the author came) that still seem to be prevalent. 

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