The first day of December a normal Tuesday: screens, messes, paw patrol, blocks, chores and all the like. As my normal is home-based and my brain thinks confort before beauty (sweats/lounge/pj's vs. the "outside" clothes), I haven't gotten myself to be "dressed" unless I am going out of my house, well out of my home and it's square footage. This also reflects in my child (and possibly in my husband as I have been noticing he automatically changes when he is home and not going anywhere) who basically lives in her pull-ups (yes I still have yet to convince her the toilet is the way to go). Tonight will be an outing with my women's active fb group so I will be actually getting dressed. woot woot. 

In other news I found cinema therapy.  Its basically mini therapy sessions/explanations using film...and we all know my fascination with this topic. The videos I have processed so far are them talking about how being sad and vulnerable is good for the spirit (the movie Inside out- which I have yet to be for courageous enough to watch I know I will be a were mess watching it)...which I think I flip-flop into a lot (sometimes I don't show enough and sometimes I show "too much") and healthy family dynamic relationships (Little Women)...which was obviously what the book and movies were all (mostly) about and I just had my obvious romance glasses on when I read it (spoiler alert, I interpreted it as shipping Jo and Laurie and it DOES NOT happen-he ends up with Amy). As this book is one of the more popular classics and thus the movies get a some  lime-light, I have seen and done some reading up on it and the author did what authors do and took liberties with her writings in-twinning her fiction and real life together to make a story that is still talked about today. So then, I have decided I should give it another go (as it is one of my I read it and can't stand it books)...once I come to terms with it's original interpretation and feeling. I also think it may hit too close to home, as in a way, I always felt I grew up in that "loud obnoxiousness"  (so says my husband, who grew up in a "quieter" household) like the March family, In any case, I like this channel as it helps me reflect on certain things (and we all know hoe much I feel like I need to do that!).

So the handyman (I think his name is Rick) came by and showed me what a dunce I/we are (again, less we forget the flip switches for the house) when investigating our water leak. It was the water filter we put in...and of course he can't do anything because we put it in (liability clauses, I assume), so now we have to figure out how to fix it and dry it all out and clean it up. In these situations I always feel...well like a dunce since I feel like in the 21 century these basic house things should be known. I am not real sure why as it it is a unrealistic notion since that is not how we grow up (or even grew up) anymore. Plus, then, a handyman might be out of their jobs.


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