Park and Pizza

Today's adventure was park playing! As it is Friday (pizza day), the husband wanted pizza out and he surprised a luna with a park beforehand! Now the rest of the day was normal is all things. Luna played with her toys (pups, blocks and stuffed animals) in all the places in the house, with some hide-and-seek, cuddling blankets and ball catching in between. In my normal cleaning and picking up, I noticed that the dripping is back (so the under the sink water filter may not be the cause after all). The park was a some good fun, the husband found lots of bottles of his herman beer, the Luna eventually found people to play with and I got to sit and relax a bit in the outer doors! After pizza, we had a walmart run, which always means luna found toys to look at and entertain herself with. Come to think of it, distracting a Luna has become the go-to when we are doing something like this...I for-see it causing problems (it already seem to be showing them actually sometimes). However,  as with all habits I am uncertain how to change it without causing more fuss then the current habit restrains...

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