Truck shops, malls and cousins

Today we went to Phoenix, AZ. Lots of interstate driving (up, down, and around) lots of busy people, and its if things to do! We wandered it a bit before visiting a cousin before heading back. The first stop was IKEA! We did end up buying lots of little things (like a stuffie snake for luna) and getting "lost" in and about the place. Luna found "her" room and had several fits trying to get back to it (I will admit it had perfect sized Luna furniture), as well as a kids play toy section with a play kitchen and a train set. Then we spent most of the rest of the day finding and reviewing travel trailers, trucks and our credit. We were all cranky and stressed from that adventure so before dinner we stopped if to see and chat with my husband's brother, sister-in-law and a Luna cousin. We ended up spending more time there then we thought as the cousins disappeared pretty quick and had no problems but lots of fun, a good break before the trial and error of finding the cheesecake factory for dinner and the drive back to our hotel. Woohoo!

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