craft this week: FAO loom


This week's craft...well I wasn't sure what to do. My husband is currently taking his time sorting his tools, so my crafting stuff is all harder to reach now. I was going to "craft" a writing piece this week, but the n we went out for a husband haircut and came back with some goodies! My husband found this while browsing the kid's toy section at Marshalls and thought I would find it enjoyable (this brand makes all sorts of kits that target kids). Now the kit comes with a frame (with the hated slots, though this time the slots have grooves behind/around this so the warp won't fall off as easily) and some silky-looking, flossy looking cord/yarn on shuttles: very kid friendly! The frame itself has turn knobs to tighten/trap its thread from going anywhere (at least that's what O think the red knob does?) as well as "shuttle' the warp threads back and forth so the weaving is easier (and faster for most). I used up all the cord it came with to make this weave (i decided it could be a luna toy blanket) and as you can see, the frame has nothing to control the bowing (other then person error) and the weave it makes is small. This mean I have to use thin yarn (more like thread or floss) and make small things...or make big things from lots of small parts. While, I am unsure if I will keep it-keep it, I plan on bringing it to our next trip.  Fun! Fun!

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