package whims

This day of Saturday, my husband decided due to his work week, it was a day of staying home. Considering, me and the child were out a few times this week, I was perfectly fine with it (and the child had a blast zoning into her screen and pup toys). It also seemed to be the day of packages as the holidays seem to be the excuse of my husband's gymnasium buying whims (we now have a standing punching bag and weight set and weight bench). He also decided the hammock stand he made was creaking and bowing to much for his liking (it lasted a good year!) so he took it down...which means I get an extra body in my full-sized bed, which will be an interesting adjustment as we both tend to space out and I still have trouble going to bed at the same time he does (it is a lot harder to do that when the body sleeping next to you is a light sleeper). 

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