MindHunter Adventures

Today we did some housing until it was time to see a friend. Luna had a blast with her buddy, playing with all sorts of toys. I successfully got them to clean up (and not trip over) those plastic balls put type balls by making a game of seeing how much they could get into their buckets. Of course, the clean floor didn't last but at least none of us were tripping over balls, just stepping on fish, heh. My husband had a grand old time previewing the PlayStation 5 his friend had gotten. They played from the late afternoon and well into the night, only stopping for dinner. While all this was going on the wife showcased the Netflix show she was currently watching: Mindhunters. It's a fictional version of real-life FBI serial killer crime interviews and the physiological behaviors of why and how to figure out who, where, and what. As the first season in the 1970s and the second into the 1980s, I guess it also showcases they created Such a unit (as they didn't have anything like it beforehand). The show is based on the book and the 2 main FBI agents are based on the same 2 main characters in the book (so says Wikipedia). The author is a retired actual FBI agent John E. Douglas and along with his co-author, Mark Olshaker, they have written several crime thrillers to their name. I almost couldn't handle the show, because while I find delving into minds interesting, serial killers and thriller/horror suspense is, well to suspenseful and nerve racking for me, but I would recommend it to all those who like that stuff! 

I also made a blanket skirt!

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