Book this week: basket weaving

This was a basic how-to manual for basic weaving. I've been interested in this style of weaving for a while and since I don't have any of the reeds used I thought it could work for my yarn too...

First, you need the right materials and tools: craft scissors, a hank of reed,  a towel in case the dyed reeds bleed color, a tub for soaking the reeds so they stay pliable, tools for marking, crimping, packing, and measuring, and tools to hold the reads in place (like clothespins/mini clamps). Then you prep the reed for molding (cutting to size, soaking the reed, and bending it in the shape). The "spokes" are the reeds you weave around (the...warp thread I guess) and the weaver reeds would be the ...weft thread, maybe (they are the reeds that make up the basket)? Also, twinning reeds are basically the glue that holds the bottom, sides, or top together. Don't forget that you want the rougher side of the reeds on the inside! 
This book also goes through different basket types: flared bun basket, market baskets,  napkin baskets, and Easter baskets. This book also shows one how to dye the reeds! It was a good source for the trade. Lots of good simple steps and pics to show how to do it as well as the wrong and right way to do it.
While it seems similar to other types of weavings I think I would also need a video...but that just my personal preference. Yay for basket weaving! 

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