Heat advisery

Today I noticed a heat advisory for our weather. My head fully stated that it is a closed locked and nailed shut from the outside type of day...my four-year-old, however, can't be locked in all day so we decided quick trips of outdoor fun it will be! Enter the water balloons! The first outing we had the idea of trying out the balloons pump and its balloons for its actual intended purpose (water balloons). Now yours truly has always had issues with balloons. Not with them directly, but apparently for as good as my lungs are (so stated the sleep test doc) it seems that using them for exercise (running) and blowing up balloons (...and whistling) is just out of their comfort zone- and you know how we all like our comfort zones. So as you can imagine, this pump is awesome for me (too bad I can't find something to do the tying for me so my uncoordinated fingers stop breaking them, haha)! It is also easy enough that a Luna can do it, too. So the first round of outside was water balloons. The second round was just the pump as she found that it makes a perfect watering can and third round we forgot the pump altogether and played with the sand toys and the snow sled. Try as we might, the grass and/or hill just wasn't sliding like it should have so mama to the rescue- the sled became a wagon-ish thing and I pulled her a few rounds. Man, was I tired after that!

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