
"The rain rain rain came down down down in rushing, rising riv'lets,"- The Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down: Disney Studio Chorus

...and Luna found some mud to play about in! She was extra excited about her sand toys yesterday as she came across some dirt puddles. While the first was probably not so much a good mud it was in the middle of a car parking spot...but as we walked to the park/creek near our house, she found a good dirt pile near the water and proceeded to make her own mud puddle! While she was dinosaur stomping (for the second time :)) she decided castles were the ting to build and had oodles of fun doing so! After a brief stint fishing, we all ended up enjoying the splash pad. We found out her flowy dress does pretty well when wet!

I also had a conversation about starting a bright idea I had ( joining the bandwagon for travel blogging/vlogging). As we were flushing out the idea, I was reminded that these things would be a lot of work to be successful. I had just the idea of sharing my travel adventures (like I am kinda doing here but focused on travel) and it fleshed out with reviews, full-on research, and all that comes with it (kinda like trip advisor but with a lot more). My other half could see how overwhelmed I was just thinking about it and suggested I start with reviewing products we use (as hard as we try not too, we are collectors)...and as I am sort of doing that ish with my books and craft projects I felt more comfortable with it as a starting point.

So here goes:
Our go-to stroller is a B.O.B. (2016 Revolution Flex). Now, we have  NOT had any major problems with it that were user error (i.e. I ain't a very good driver), however, as I was googling it, I found an article on the lawsuit recall of BOB strollers between 2009 and 2015 due to its detachable front wheel causing injury. I did notice all the warning labels and proper safety usage. I will say that as a heavy-duty(er) stroller it is bulkier than others with thicker wheels which makes it easy for off-roading/jogging but harder on narrow isles of stores. The cargo space underneath is big enough for a lot of stuff. on my many splash pad strolls, I have fit the Luna backpack, food, 6 to 32 oz water bottles (at least 3) extra clothes and or towels and coats as well as some sort of blanket and/or shade. The wide one-piece handlebar is wide enough to attach a couple of hooks for hanging things and fit your hands comfortably. Along with our stroller, we bought the handlebar console and the rain weather shield cover and air pump accessories which do their job nicely. Other accessories include infant seat adapters (and its weather covers), infant seat base,  different types of cargo, (and travel bag) stroller board, and snack tray. Storage is easy as it has a handle to pull up and fold down for a smaller compact space-saving.  The only real thing I have problems with an idea that I am apparently never strong enough to release the seat recline so unless I have someone who has the strength with me, my child is always in the upright position... 

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