Lather rinse repeat...and dragons!

Today was basically a repeat of yesterday (heat advisory and all). We found 3 ways to use the pump: pumping water/air into the balloons, using it to water plants, and using it to fill buckets and wash things (like hands and balloons) with. Today we tried watering the birds, however, the wait to see if they would use it became too much, and all her efforts to talk to the birds into getting a drink from the bucket failed (adorable as it was).

Soooooo let's talk dragon facts! 

Did you know: (from google searching)
Dragons are mythical creatures of legend from different cultures thus they can live in different environments (like caves and mountains-usually depicted with wings- or water or underground, looking more serpent-like)
Dragon depictions are usually based off of other animals (like dinosaurs or snakes) and can be good fortunes (like in Asian cultures) or bad omens (western cultures) 
Dragons tend to be powerful with and without powers thus slaying them and using their pieces of whatever will enhance your being (weather that is too show your bravery or give you foresight and/or luck)
In today's world, there is a species of lizard called Draco lizards that live in southeastern Asia. They are small and can glide using retractable ribs up to 30 ft

Woohoo for dragons!!!

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