book of the week: bridgertons...also HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

This book week is more about a series of books that is trending on netflix. The series is the Bridgertons and is based off a series of books by Julia Quin a good decade ago (ish). She is a romance author and if anyone paid attention (or remembered my posting on the beginning of this book broadening adventure), I am and was a avid reader of romance and these posts are trying to steer me way from that. However this week I couldn't resist this new netflix trend. The show is basically (as I determined) mostly a "today's modern" version of a fictional historical world. The clothing is a modern version of historical accuracy, the world setting plays in a history time period with (at least one) historical accurate person (the queen) among fictional characters that play in historical roles. The show keeps- or rather, exaggerates- the playful but serious nature of the books. The characters are swept away into their survival in finding matches, gossip and ultimately living their lives in a regency era period. we have prudes, playboys, independance, and the ultimate goal of every character finding themselves through the mess that they live in. The main players are 2 families surviving the court season. The book series outline the Bridgerton family and their quest in finding (or surviving) life, with the ultimate goal (at least for the parents) in making matches for their children. The family players are quite headstrong and in their own way, independence. whether this means gossiping, playboy-ing, or voyaging where they should not be. Each character/pair in each book has their own problems and insecurities and ultimately find themselves falling in love with each other (at least by the end of the book). Each female lead seems to be (again in some way) a force to be reckoned with, while the male counterparts are typical cocky males in their entitled stations (even if that station is not entitled). Each character has to overcome some main plot of emotion (such as finding themselves a reformed playboy or even finding their own agency). Saying all that, this is not an author I follow that closely and this series (save maybe a book or 2), is not a series I went back to more then the once. However, if you like Julia Quinn style of romance writing (yes, where are the typical sex scenes in her books), and you like the characters in this series, you will probably enjoy the connected "spin off" prequal series, the Rokesbys Series. Though, googling, I did find a statement from her that she likes too play with old and secondary characters so one may or may not find them in her other books. 

Valentine Facts:

Happy valentines day! For my day, I had a bit of a break from the peeps when my husband took his four year old valentine to Mega Play-though we are finding she is getting a bit old and bored of such places, especially when it is just her. It seemed they had a fun date (even with the snitching mother who worried about Luna and her age/size compared to which play area she was in). I had a peaceful time of taking a breath, catching up on posts, youtube and of course reading without being pestered (i even did some vacuuming and pillow repair work!). The ends result was popeyes, chocolate, favorite sodas and 3 happy campers settling down for the night! 

  • Valentine's Day is named after a patron saint (history says their is at least 2 vying for it's role) going back as far as roman priests
  • It was also celebrated as a pagan holiday/festival for the god of fertility and agriculture 
  • The 1300s gave it the name for love/romance (due to birds mating around the same timeframe seasonally) 
  • Cupid was formed from the beliefs of the greek god and the Romane immortal being of Eros (god of lust and love...and in some way related to Aphrodite)
  • The first valentine was penned by a prisoner named Charles at age 21 in the 1400s to his love/wife-it is believed he ended up as king of France eventually. 
  • The 1840s was when Valentines were mass produced
  • The 17th century was the start for flower gifting (in Europe) gaining popularity from it's king learning the "language of flowers" from his travels of Persia. 
  • Today Valentine's day is a big spender holiday with mass production in marketing, and in supply/demand all in the name of love (Jewelry being the biggest thus far)! 
  • Other collections were based from history such as hearted chocolates (1840s) and conversation heart candies (formed from and idea in the medical field for sore throats) 
  • Valentine's Day is celebrated in all different ways all around the world

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