Eye surgery...for real this time

Today was the rescheduled eye surgery. While it sucked for us adults to take up super early to be there on time, I was thankful I didn't have to worry about trying to not feed to water my child-as it states for surgery rules. While I was freezing and worrying in the car (we totally need to remember to grab comfy warm blankets for the truck as this isn't the first time we've suffered through);  my husband was where all the action was, escorting our 4-year-old.  According to my husband's timelines (and his texts), it took 2 hours before they were ready to admit her fully, 20 minutes (at least for prep), 40/45 minutes for surgery, and another hour for my child to wake up and calm down enough to have some juice and be set to be out the door. While I wish I was with them, I think he is the better choice in these cases. He has, at least an outward calming effect on the child and he has more strength than I do. I was told wake up from anesthesia makes them seem (and feel?) like they are drunk. Luna flipped her lid when she saw the nurses/docs and while she was happier with seeing her dad she has wigged enough that superhuman strength occurred (my husband state he was straining his muscles by the end of it).  My poor baby!

The rest of the day was her healing and resting, red eyes were normal, as was light sensitivity and cranky tiredness. She napped on the way back, stayed up long enough to snack and drink water then snoozed until pizza, then it was back to sleep. The next hurdle is the ointment gel for her eyes. Eep! 

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