Qwirkle, renewals and puzzles oh my

Today started with the intent to clean the house a little more (I noticed the mold spray I got works pretty well). Yet, the closest I have gotten so far was organizing a luna toy box in search of a missing puzzle piece and water bottle (I found the water bottle hiding in a Luna bed). We decided to forgo the missing piece and glue the rest of the puzzle together anyway (I'll just glue in later if we ever find it), yay, another fun glueing puzzle project for my kid! She has a lot of fun "painting" on the glue and seeing the picture come together. Another adventure she found amusing was to watch me figure out how to unclog the bathtub drain (she has discovered the toilet paper). It was super fun! 

Among the screens, books, amd imagination play, Luna found the game of Qwirkle.The game is all bout matching color and or shape, so it is basically the best game ever for a person like my child who has a blast just sorting and sorting and sorting! Now, for actual game play there is some sort of point system and limited number of tiles a turn/hand but...well...that seems boring and complicated to my four year old, so, making numbered rows/towers of shapes and colors it was. Much like the block tumbling tower game she got for christmas, finding other ways to use the pieces had much more appeal and attention then the actual game play. 

I managed to also have a mental health date for renewing my meds/ checking in on my psyche, and by golly, I never remember to address the drama (or lack thereof) that I may (or may not) have a melt down/panic attack over. Maybe because they all seem to be things that are out of my control and are already in route to happening such as being a prominent part of the peopling and or last to know such as xmas gatherings, husband promotions and daughter eye surgeries. Also, probably, because I don't know how to address it as these situations are like spilled milk in that it's a done deal so why and how can it help when it is already happening anyway? Gak, anyway, we will be getting up super duper early tomorrow. Wish us luck!

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