This adventure on this Friday

Today...was long. I don't when i will ever understand why the second day of anything always feels the worst! Emotional sore, physically sore, mentally sore (long) days always seem to increase in agony on the second day after the fact. In any case, neither I nor my child really wanted to do much today. AS it was and has been raining, it was very much a snuggled and cuddle day with screens, stuffed animals and blankets. The teepee tent and it's food cooking toaster oven imagination from the previous day also made a brief appearance but mostly it was a laying about the house day. I also made a intention on framing some puzzles laying about and doing some little bits of cleaning (de-modeled the shower curtain and dishes! woot!). The evening came with the husband coming home tired (and cranky) as all get out so, the pizza was delivered and house was while slightly more active (the child was well rested and excited that her daddy was home-the balence of having both parents home, I guess) still overall dark and quiet. YAY fir quiet soft and comfy days!

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