Sleepy days

Today I was barely hanging on. for whatever reason I have been not sleeping as well My dreams have consisted of me usually in some sort of peril in the intent of saving or trying to prevent something happening. Also, I have been catching up on my reading escapes and my youtube so night and days are slightly longer than they should be. Plus, all the walking (even with as little as I do with the fam), I think has come to pay its complaints as my body is continuously achey...

In any case, after I spent the day trying not to fall asleep (the time in the limited sun playing with luna help slightly-as it was cold but bright), and entertaining the child for our weekly foods shopping trip, I got to have some more yummy soba soup from that Japanese noodle restaurant and then promptly crashed into bed for a nap, thinking/knowing my husband could handle the child. I was slightly irritated to wake up between my nap and going back to bed, my child was getting away bending her boundaries. Thinking about it, now, it is kind of funny but pretty hypocritical as the husband was intent on other things and didn't feel the need to be on top of luna doing the things she needed to do (which led her ability to bend the boundaries) when he is the more strict boundary setter and gets very...irritated himself when he sees that my boundaries are looser...

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