Naruto franchise

Today I spent a lot of time watching Naruto Shippuden and the next gen series of his son Boruto (that series is currently ongoing), I got it in my head because my husband found a unbridged (think that's how you say it) version of the Naruto series (a light hearted mock/dubbing of the series); but mostly ninjas! Have I posted about this anime before? I love ninjas! Although from my understanding they have a very...harsh history in actual history. It also is a television show based off a manga (or with lots of volumes) if one would rather read it then watch it. In any case this series starts with a little boy Naruto (I think he's around 10 or so...maybe 12) who is an orphan because of his dad sacrificing him and his wife to save the world (ish) by sealing a angry wild beast (9-tailed fox) in his baby boy. The the beginning his basically this having a track record of being...unpopular and acting out to get attention. He does however, stick to his notions and even with the beast inside him, he is revealed as a overall good guy who wants to protects everyone (sometimes even if they don't want it). His ultimate dream is to become the4 Hokage (Village leader). The first step is his surviving the ninja school, which is the first series of the book and show. Through this he learns more about himself and others and they learn about him. By the end of it, he is still not the greatest ninja, yet he has won the hearts of everyone around him. There is also a subplot with his frenemy who  end takes a different (more darker) path to achieve his ultimate goal and success (avenge his family and be stronger) with Naruto promising to get him back on track). 

Naruto Shippuden starts in around the same place Naruto ends and now he has completed initial training and tests (and helped saved the village a few times) and he is now in a state of apprenticeship. This 500 episode series (17 seasons), we see him coming into his "chosen" status more and more as he steps up into his training, fighting and leadership roles. The filler arc is combined into the backstories of its important characters and how they apply to Naruto. We take note of his frenemy and his role that plays out as a bad boy lost turned into a good guy found, after he confronts and beats his plight (which also results in defeating the true enemy of the first series). While none of these series focuses on romance you see a little here and there or hints at it and by the end of the series, Naruto has saved the world at least once over, mastered/befriended his beast (and all other tailed beasts), his tragic backstory, his friememy, all other villages, and the last like 7 episodes are his "I realized my love and everyone is celebrating the fact that I am getting married" episodes. 

Boruto: the next generation is about Naruto's son and his quest to figure out just what he is dream is. In this series the village is more modern (with cars and trains and is more like a small city then village. In the beginning we learn that Boruto has daddy issues mostly because Naruto seems to be at work than at home. It starts with him  basically being a mini Naruto with the trouble making, however until he realizes what he wants to do (closer to the middle of the first part of the series), he is not at all interested in ninja school. He is also fiercely loyal and protected of his friends (that he makes so readily). While this series is not yet completed (at least in the anime shows), in the the almost 200 episodes, he realized he wants to be in the role of the righthand man of the hokage in which he can  protect his village and people without managing/leading them. There is also a subplot (or maybe it will become the overall plot) of him being a reincarnation of a scary dude who ends up having dark and evil happenings that seem to possess him through markings and ninja magic. 

Along with all my husband's ninja games, we all have a lot of fun with ninjas! Hurray for ninjas!

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