Patterened storytelling

I was unaware of how stressed I felt until this evening. I thought I just had the normal everyday stress of life, yet when thinking it over I realized my stress (or the energy that came from it) found other means. I woke up from a dream about being surrounded by a deep well of water; and while it had the familiarity of it being the Olympic diving pool from my childhood and characters I grew up with (I remember my little sister there), I also remember fighting for us to find a way out and leave when others tried to keep us there. Another way my energy found an output is my child. Again, I thought we were golden after we all settled from the surgery. Luna is recovering without a problem, the red seems to be clearing with every day, and she seems as active as ever. However, I did notice, today, she seemed to be...staying closer and closer to me more than her independence usually likes when she has the run of the house. Our main adventure today was storytelling. Yes, there were screens, and books and tents and imagination play with all her toys. but mostly our storytelling. I often don't recall the depth of development of my child unless it is super big and super long (like when she wouldn't talk) and then can get paranoid at certain times (usually doctor visits that feel very accusatory when discussing milestones), and yet there are days like today when I recognized her understanding patterns...that aren't in the context of mathematics. Every story I encouraged her to counter with followed the pattern I set from the story before from setting to characters, to plot. While I applauded her efforts, I found myself in wonderment of milestones. I know this is part of the beginning stages of learning to read and write and of other concept developments but at 4 years and just about 9 months (as her birthday is in May) is she lagging behind? Yet, my child is happy and relatively healthy, and safe. I see her do her "best thinking" when she thinks no one is paying attention, she is a social butterfly and has no problem trying to lead others-well as well as an only child almost 5-year-old can, and have been told that in certain academic testing, she has surpassed a lot of others...maybe I have nothing yet to worry about. If only it was that easy...

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