A Tuesday of August

I kind of find this period an interesting study. COVID has brought out many emotions for everyone. There has been destruction and kindness, strict structure, and...a less strict environment. Some will be fined while others just reprimanded. The isolation that is so important to staying healthy has also other factors attached. We are social creatures, thus, not being able to touch or speak person to person is difficult at best and downright dangerous at the worst. 

I can't say if my emotions are linked anymore then usual. As we haven't changed our habits (though now I am trying to). I've had conversations lately about how my actions, reactions, and interactions are perceived and treated. It seems I've always been in some way combative (...inquisitive and headstrong), but only recently seen it and understood it as a possible...fault? The face of not giving a flying bell pepper and cleaning a toilet hand to elbow with no gloves had fallen, and my uncertainty of the world and it's stickiness has shined through (and lasted). This...shine is slowly being processed-mostly through the process of becoming an asteroid...as well as the earth the sun rotates around rather than the sun I once (and was certain) was. How will I stretch out of my safety and risk polluting the waters, land, and space around me? Well, hopefully with a bit of a net, luck, and a heck ton of processed/processing research wings (though I do have a habit of processor overload so probably one calculated research wing and one spontaneous wing). 

Today was all out of wack as my other half was home (tropical storm ahoy!) so while we did a lot of normalcy there was a lot of...not. It was the first-day using several task management apps and for digital, I found them too much manual work. I would have rather it magically gone to done (or doing) rather then me moving it...and those that just crossed them out had no daily repeats so I would/will have to write it out daily, I say, might as well paper and pen it then! The catch 22 is the paper and the pen is too bulky and cumbersome to take everywhere all the time.  Luna had great fun playing with her stuffies, blocks, and water balloons. We even managed a family walk today. woohoo!

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