I DID IT!!!! (eep!)-Branching out

Housekeeping update: Last night I tried adding more readers to this bloggity, blog-blog, but the more I read about how it works, the more I decided to bell pepper it up and "just do the thing" as Costuming Drama likes to say. So...now my blog is public and searchable and monetized (or at least I okayed all that). I also added Grammarly to my chrome extension thingy so I will (probably) go back and edit/revamp my past posts...maybe.

To the background sound of thunder/light rain, we had a pretty normal day. Luna was a bit more...restless?... than usual, I think as we didn't stay in one area of play as long as we usually do. Today was pups, all sorts of building material, screen time, rain play, puzzles, dancing/music; and brief stints of coloring, playdough, and stuffed animals that gained more playtime as the day went on. Luna also found the spray paint I used for her wooden stool and wanted to try it out. I was lucky to find spare bits of those pegs I cut from/for the wooden stool or her wooden building blocks would be all the same color! She wasn't really that impressed with the spray can, though, heh. Before dinner was made (I tried using the rice cooker) we had a pretty workout playing with her big pink ball. While it was mostly keep away, there was some basketball, soccer and...something like a game of shuffle ball with a real big pizza...thing! what a day, what a day!

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