Book of the week (oh the places you go) ...and stuff
Today, emotionally, has been kinda rough. Again I have no concept of why but the onslaught...sadness...I guess. The surroundings we are all involved in might have an effect-i have been watching/listening and reading a lot of people who at least give the impression of having their stuff together and/or how to acquire and secure that. Earlier in life, I always attributed this to homesickness. Not in the literal/traditional sense as I never went anywhere until I married into the military but in that, I feel...a sense of longing for the familiar or what I feel like should be familiar. Today there was a lot of wow, my kid's growing fast and how do I even keep up (by the way, the answer is not to tell me I am being too emotional or that it will happen and I should just get used to it.). Today I realized I feel mentally and more comfortably in that "growing up" phase where nothing has to be perfect and someone else is there to say "hey! Good job! You did it" and handle the...emotional mess when it gets discombobulated. Alas, that is not reality. I am an adult and so society says you do perfect and if not you get consequences.
So let's talk Dr. Seuss! Oh, the places you go! is my (I think) my favorite Dr. Seuss book. Yes it is about moving in and growing up but it puts a happy, you can do anything and everything (in the wacky way he does) spin on it. So he mixes the fictional world and the realities of the world together!