Monday sew-athon!!!

Today was an inside day (mostly). This gave me time to do some revamping on some old projects. I did some re-stitching on her rabbit's pants and the couch blanket and turned the brown and purple bag into a pillow. In line with researching and organizing my wardrobe I actually wear, I did some experimentation with layers today and I liked it enough to tweak it (I couldn't wait to start on it so it is currently laying out on my craft table!).

The other day my child took a learning assessment (she's firmly in preschool territory especially in math) and today we got a fun package of letter/number puzzles and some workbooks. She dove right into ye puzzles and played with them on and off all day. To my surprise, she even took some time to look through one of the workbooks (she found U/unicorn and matched the U puzzle with excitement) too. You for puzzles!


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