Tuesday Screening, rice and chicken

 This morning was a late start but usual in the way of quiet time and then playtime. We also cleaned the kitchen a bit. This afternoon was my pre-screening mental health testing. They asked a lot of questions I was never really certain about. I realized later on in the day (after the appointment) it might be because all they asked about is a normal part of my day so I don't think about more then I do when it happens during those 24 hrs...also I don't recall things very well (especially if it's not recorded in some way). U made white rice and chicken tonight (I wanted to do fried rice but my other half, wisely told me to start easy). I sort of got the rice worked out this time around though it was sticky- the skin was cooked all the way through too. As it was not completely thawed all the way when I started with the meat, I thought putting it in water...then cooking it up on the stovetop...I left to often again and burnt one side. Eep! Good thing my other half actually like slightly burnt meat! And my child ate the rice so I say, as it was better than the swimming rice that was the last time I tried this meal, it was a nice improvement.

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