The life of my pillow...

Today I have sad, sad news. The life of my pillow has passed. It had a short but fun-filled life. It started out its days as just a couch/bedsheets. However, as it grew with age, it wore itself out and needed a change! It tried many different styles of work, from diaper bag to book bag before it landed in its role as a pillow. And oh the fun it had! The excitement of being used as hurdles to jump over, as pit stops for racing, and as tools to bash people over the heads with! On weary days it was a soft spot for heads and hands and even feet! It was used for cuddling and for napping, for sitting and even for standing! But alas it grew dirty and stinky and then, that mean old washing machine just tore it asunder! Fair well thee pillow and decompose peacefully!

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