Moon exploring

 Today was...well I don't know what; maybe from yesterday's book, the appointment  Tuesday, the nursing refills, or just plain life (ie everything above plus more) we all needed a quieter day normal adventure day (screens, pups, blocks, etc.) Luna is really not liking the more humid-hotter days-especially when she equates moisture/wet with rain outside and it just...hovers. So even with it only cooling by not really anything degrees, evenings have been our outside time. Today's greatest adventure (and 4-year-old luna science theory) was the moon and just where that missing piece was! We explored both physically and...academically?...for a good 25/30 min before the rest of the hour was spent discovering just how "scratchy" the loose gravel dirt on the roads was. That led into a few dozen rounds of "rescue me" in which we had to rescue each other in different ways (mostly jumping holes or walking on the bridge gaps between the two sides). With Popeyes and her daddy at the end of the day, she was off to bed and so am I! 

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