The mission of a four year old's Thursday

 Luna woke up today with a mission of dancing outside. So we did! We seemed to entertain the few drivers out and about as we had a dance party along the sidewalk. We followed that up with Ninja vs knight and building blocks until the hungry monster crept in and sidetracked us with some morning meals/caffeine. We were lucky enough to get some rain play before the thunder and heavy rain chased us inside for some cuddling and screen time. I got to work on my craft for this week (totally figured out the zipper thing! Woot!) before we did some puzzles and more block play. As the rain lessened and the thunder left us, the Luna was on another mission of enjoying the puddles it created. This lasted until her daddy came home with dinner (Popeyes, yum, yum!) We had an easy peasy day, today! Yay us!

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