Organization task planning

Okay, so after my day, I guess my processor kicked in because I woke up with the umph to see how I can organize me a little better. I did a little Google and downloaded some task planning apps and worked on a more visual Luna schedule. Though as I was doing some me time (and housework) I had a thought about WHY I have not the energy or motivation for such things...this house has a mindset that because one is working OUTSIDE the home, the other has the rest of the work...even when one comes back home (I.E., there's a lot of historical play-out in this house-makes me wonder what would happen if it was a 2 income house rather than 1). There is also my lack of multitasking (even if that word only means task by task speedily-my speed is a turtle).

The adventure had pit stops of climbing animal mountains and demolishing animal mountains (we used a hammer for that one). We also built houses and trains/stations. The story play of the wolf (3 little pigs/red riding hood) led to today's experiment: sugar cookies! They seemed to be successful as they were gobbled up pretty fast (well most of them). Yay for a successful baking adventure! 

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