Block day and dividers

As the rain came playing about all day we mostly spent the day playing inside. Blocks (and pups) were the favorite but we also had some play outside in between the rains for a good bit. We started with a short stint of a flying frisbee (boomerang as she calls them), to the longer game of fishing and ball playing and ending with an exciting many a round of "road crossing" in which we each took turns playing the cars driving through and the pedestrians crossing over, hide in seek and instrument playing. My amusement of the day was when she kiboshed the jam session because of my bad singing! She wanted me to sing about Minnie Mouse and as I finished the first line, she took the "microphone" (a paw patrol maraca) and said "I am done now." and went back to playing with her pups! I giggle just thinking about it! I did craft a bit today. I have a habit of saving things that I find outside the trash dumpster-OUTSIDE the dumpster, mind you, not in it- and I noticed while playing with my child the colorful drawer set that we got at some craft store was wobbly and basically loosing screws and left and right so I dismantled it, put the colorful plastic drawers that weren't broken in a plastic storage bin I had from a dumpster save, and ended up using some of the dismantled craft storage buy pieces to make a divider. This divider was too big for my original purpose (the nightstand drawer I turned into my undergarment drawer when consolidating dressers) so I also made a divider from a broken plastic hanger that I found (and saved), which fit perfectly! Woot! Woot!


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