Monday- crayon making!

So today was pretty normal. We had some fun driving and crashing a stuffed animal bear "boat" and then camped out roasting "marshmallows and hotdogs". We grilled "whale,  bear, and elephant" (little books she has) that led into a jam session. We played blocks and pups and had screen time. I was torturing myself with things that will not be possible...yet while doing some research for my craft of the week (working with yarn this week!) so that was kinda not smart (or is it prepared-ness for the future?). Anyway, the new adventure for us was melting our broken or tiny bits of leftover crayons! Woohoo! We found the molds on Amazon and it took only 10 minutes to melt and 30-60 minutes to cool/chill, depending on you putting it in the freezer or refrigerator. Some did better than others but it was easy so I don't mind experimenting with it!

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