A Luna day adventure

This morning started as normal, playing, screens, and caffeine. For breakfast, luna requested a fruit salad and took out all that we had left (today is food shopping day). She was very proud of the first cut she made then skipped off to her pups and let me finish. It was pretty good. 

Then it was some play along with the videos (paw patrol and octonauts with youtube). There was a brief encounter with the caterpillar train as well. Then the kitchen tools came out again. The spatulas were our rackets/sticks to the yellow ball and a hilarious game of catch ensued. This led to using a grandma gift of the velcro ball/pads and even more, hilarity ensued! Now that I opened the tripod and we all know I like to document my days (my excuse is this blog and living far far away from family), I think part of it, was that Luna was hamming it up for the camera/video whenever she noticed it. While I was vacuuming (by the way, I think I will research older methods as this work smarter, not harder technology still makes me work harder for actually clean cleaning) Luna decided to compete with the sound (she hates the vacuum volume), she decided to drum...which led me to stop vacuuming and film the fun session...which led into exploring different sounds the wooden drumsticks make (we both prefer the muffled softer deeper sounds of the plastic vs the higher louder sounds of the glass and metal/aluminum). 

By this point, it was getting to that time for food shopping so we decided to be outside for the duration before the pickup for said food shopping...only to realize it was pouring rain outside! So we quickly donned our rain gear, grabbed the ducks for their duckpond (the gutter was flowing so they had a waterfall to play in today) and as always, by the end of it, Luna Belle was soaked from head to toe, with no coat or shoes jumping in and out/splashing in the puddles before getting too cold (and wet) and wanting back inside. Alas, the rain was not much fun for my other half so we postponed the food shopping for Saturday and enjoyed a normal night in: with independent play and daddy-cooked food!

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