Book of the week: mental toughness handbook

This is a guide book to gain mental toughness. The book by Damon Zahariades, says that mental toughness has many synonyms and is defined as the durability throughout one's life journey as one will always encounter some sort of install in your path at one point or another (whether that is in the professional field or personal). He starts by saying it is a skill developed, which I can agree with as one isn't usually born with obstacles straight out of the womb, however, he also states that one doesn't always have the the...grit to develop it and I disagree. Living life, one is faced with mental toughness in all forms. Whether that is through being a pretty princess that has life handed to you or a tragic orphan who has to survive their childhood. Just because one has help doesn't negate their mental toughness, it just forms from a different angle than one that grits through it. I do agree that it can and is uncomfortable and will be...difficult to achieve as one has to endure and follow-through. It basically explains a happy "normal" psyche in which one has an attitude/outlook to turn negative emotions and failures into feedback and opportunities and move on. This requires self-confidence and self-discipline in acquiring the goals one wants/needs to do so, as well as understanding what one can control. While willpower, motivation, and boredom help push this along, the key is consistent healthy habits. The book has written and mental exercise lessons and real-world examples that help cement the maintenance and development of mental toughness throughout the explanations. 

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