Cleaning crayons

Normal Tuesday-ing, today. Pups and blocks, screens, and crafting (I mended clothes today!). I learned how to clean melted crayon off fabric too. It took some time... and this web page I googled but I think it worked. We will see what my husband thinks (as he uses them more than I do) and if he says no, then I get more fabric scraps to play with, woohoo!


I also have been looking at and watching language videos and came to the conclusion that it is still pretty intimidating and overwhelming and as I don't have any community around me (physically or socially-for some of them, anyway) to outwardly practice and communicate with; I am sort of, of the mindset to just be appreciative of those who can and do use them...same goes for music and dancing, actually. I will just focus on my little kindergarten crafting skills, my family, and my bubble...

Besides mending, I started my project for the week (using old pairs of jeans!). I have no idea what I am doing (per usual) and am only using a visual of one already made so we shall see if it works or not. I am kinda excited about it though. 

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