My nailing adventures

 So...that drawer that died? Well, my other half said, it could be revived by nailing it (as the glue didn't and wouldn't hold any longer) and then ran off to a work shindig...and I thought, 12 nails- 3 on each side- how hard can it be? I will tell you how hard it can be for a Katja, all freakin' afternoon hard! I will say that the main reason it took me all afternoon was that I-as always- was crooked in all my perception dealings (swinging the hammer), but also I am pretty sure the stuff I used, while the right type...was not the right type. The nails were for hanging pictures, the hammer heavy, and the corkboard-like plywood (at least I think that's what the drawer was made out of) had lived a full life already once by someone else (remember that I found the dresser on the side of the road, ready for the dump) and I was trying to give Luna just a few more years out of it. But -YAY!!!- I finally put it all together and put it in so now she has all the slots full..also the purple paint was peeling so I found some black spray paint and made wavey lines across the whole thing to cover the marketed colorings I wanted to be covered initially (which is why I wanted to do this project). I don't necessarily mind it...and Luna doesn't care one way or another as she just likes having her toys back in one spot! 

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