Pups and crafting adventures

Yesterday, I got to see the luna wool dress in action. It worked pretty well, although, the top was a bit too loose still...and my other half said it was crooked but not too crooked (woohoo!).

Today I woke up to fun things like pup playing and after we all had our caffeine and food for the morning we had some fun dancing (Megan Trainor- Better when I'm Dancin' started it off and hen we went into the kid dance party PlayStation move it game playlist I found on youtube.). I noticed that when the music was directed at the kids (especially kids her age) she mostly preferred to watch it rather than dance to it...maybe because of the colors and other kids? In any case, we jammed out, and then she decided to cook Pup soup and play with her playmat/"things that move" toys. I took this time to work on some crafting. I did a long-awaited surgery on her rainbow pup and crafted a crochet hook holder from some too small luna stockings and the 3 ring toss rings I decided to save when we were dumping all her broken toys out. 

And while I initially couldn't decide on what to do for this week's project, I think I got it and I get to play with glue (the only true sticky thing I can handle, heh)! Though I completed one 6th of it today and it was a tad bit more challenging then I thought it would be. I am pretty excited about it though. woohoo!

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