Saturday videos and crayon plastic dreams

Today started with IHOP,  "the outside NEEDS me to play" was Luna's running quote while we were there. At 64 degrees I was an ice cube so that was a definite no-go for me! Then it was Walmart for food shopping!

After that we decided it was still too cold, so home we went and just vegged out. 

I spent the majority of the afternoon figuring out how to create and upload slideshow videos of highlights from the beginning of this blog to now on youtube, under Lifeadventuresformiles.  My thought is to start private/unlisted then public (like this blog) and post monthly with highlights, crafts...and maybe book reviews. I will start with slideshows but if I ever vlog more then once a month it will probably be videos on what we are doing/how I am crafting/what I am reading that basically a video version of this (ish)! I also researched more business stuff.

Oooh! Did I tell you about the weird dream I had?  I was more like the audience member for this dream. It was screened in 3 acts. Act one introduced us to a 20 something sister and her teenage brother at a community event. The dream heard the internal words and the brother was terrified to touch anyone as a touch would tell the plastic "crayon" people who were normal. Well, the brother fell and before he could do anything, someone helped him up. As he and his sister leaves, you see the man who helped the brother up watch them go with a gleam in his eye. Act 2 started with a friend of the brother's complaining at him about not going anywhere so he decides to buck up and go to the party the friends want to go to. From one scene to the next you see hop into the truck to the friend lounging with people fonning all over him and the brother looking bored. The brother decides to leave and with some hurrying the friend follows him into the truck. As they are going down the highway (and/or back roads) the friend is trying to convince the brother to go back. As that happens the brother notices they are being followed by the group from the party. Betrayal! The friend confesses to the setup by the people who were connected to the man who helped the brother up at the community event. The brother stops the car and just starts running. This begins a chase scene on foot that ends when the friend is surrounded by the group and the brother throws crayons at the group, causing them harm/injury. While he saves the friend, he is also surrounded by the party group. Act 3 starts with the sheriff contacting the sister about the "disturbance" on the side of the road involving her brother and crayons. She rushes off with the sheriff to the scene of the crayon disturbance and we see her pelting crayons at the party group around her brother.  I woke up after was still the middle of the night/early morning and it took me a while to doze back into sleep. 

We wrapped up tonight by hand washing, duck brushing,  which luckily easily transitioned into teeth brushing! Woohoo!


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