A mama activly participating in her kid's game play adventure

Today we slowed things down a bit. We played with blocks, pups, screens (big and little), pillows, blankets, and toys of all sorts. We mainly stayed inside, however, as we had a bit of a kerfuffle when playing outside when the 4-year-old wasn't getting her way exactly as she wanted it. Whenever we have these types of days I always tend to remember the day I babysat (maybe? I know I was in charge of him somehow for a bit) a child who was about Luna's age when I was...middle school I think. We were playing vacuums as...something-cars maybe?- and all the adults had a good laugh about me participating in the game rather than just following him around (I still have that feeling I did wrong there, actually). I may have brought him up before (I kinda feel like I have) but the actual act of participating in the act of imagination play or more specifically actually get down to their level and hang out there for a duration of time always seemed a natural thing to do...is that problematic in the age of maturity? Can one claim adulthood and yet still use a vacuum as a car.  Actually, I might have had a similar post about this musing as a whole. Huh. Sorry 'bout that! 

In any case, Luna had a blast playing with her mama, and her mama got in some vacuuming (actual vacuuming), video editing, and some good old fashion book reading and video watching! Oooh and elbows. Elbows for lunch with butter, yum! Yum!

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