Craft of the week: failed wooden box

 So this week I planned to finally put to use the wooden pieces I saved and have been sitting about my house. I had one piece I wanted to split and yes, I realize I wasn't being the safest when trying to split it. It was pretty darn stubborn too! I was expecting it to be an easy week but splitting that piece took some work. (Seeing as it wasn't glued as I thought but actual staples/nails that held them together...)

So after the splitting of the pieces, I thought it might be went on and I didn't get back to it till today and today was raining. Also, my other half was here and informed me that my plan was basically moot because the tools I was making a box for should be put away in the shed where they belong and in trying to finish the project so that I can say, I finished the project... I realized, my environment does not make a good wood workshop. We might have tools that work but space and places for working with those tools we do not have. Also, the wood is better for kindling at this point rather than proper woodworking (apparently). A third is that my skills and knowledge...also don't work well with what we have...probably.

Add all that together and I decided that today was not the day to fight with the world. Thus, no recycled wooden box but plenty of lessons. I have 2 other pieces of wood (the wood luna drew on) that look similar to the wood I just dumped so who knows what will happen. I may do something with them and I may not. Time will tell if I have a crazy woodworking idea again! 

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