Plark play date

Today's adventure started out with an early morning breakfast with 3 of my other half team. Boy, did I forget how much humans like to socialize. Observing it reminded me of that country song about old men talking about old ladies and old ladies talking about old men, I am not sure who actually sings Alan Jackson does it in my head. But in any case, these men were all having a lively conversation and totally geeking out about technology stuff that went way over my head. I was impressed with the speed of it all too, didn't stop even after breakfast until suddenly it did, heh. The kettle diner was the place we are at. It was super good food and big enough that I wasn't actually hungry until dinner (and even that jambalaya took me a while to start and finish). We did our getting ready for the week stuff as we had time before the main adventure (and what the whole day was about). 

The play grounds have been officially open for a bit now but today was the first time we went back...abd Luna had a blast. I found myself settled into the fact that my kid won't have much problems on the socializing front when she starts school either as I watched her jump around from one kid crew to the next. That kid surly is a-growin up! After almost 2 hours in the sunny heat (I was so bright outside!) It was time to go. The rest if the day was normal, though I think my child had bit of over stimulation as she was a major fuss bucket for a few hours late in the afternoon (resulted in no screens and her playing for  another hour or less outside with her pups and ducks). Over all, it was a pretty good day. 

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