Lego Ninjas and the claaaaaaw

Today's adventure was make-believe! Luna started out the day with her blocks and her figuring pups and a blanket picnic napping area made up of all her blankets and couch pillows for her stuffed pups. Her pup cars came out to play after lunch and zoomed around the rocking gaming chair and her wooden piece I saved for her messy playing so the floor would be saved (doesn't always work that way of course). We also spent considerable time watching the ninja lego series on Netflix and about 5 pm we remembered the slow cooking rice she wanted. We also played "The Claw" in which we both took turns pretending to be the claw machines. Full of clawing for the stuffed pups, break downs, and low batteries. Towards the end, she was adding lots of different things to use the claw on, even herself! I gotta say her almost 40 ponds with just my arms and probably my back/core is hard work! 

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