crafting, snakey dreams, and the normal pup-ery!

 Today I crafted for a good amount of time, getting the body of my project done (ish). Before I got started I decided to deconstruct a winter coat jacket that I saved from the purge at the beginning of our apartment stay and then yesterday, realized that I just can't handle the itch of the lining! I was pretty excited that while deconstructing (I have an idea for the fleece/wool lining too, by the way!) the outer lining stayed mostly intact, so I can just mend it here and there and then use it as a summer jacket. Woohoo! This also came in handy when fine-tuning the jean jacket pattern.

In other news, I am still dreaming pretty consistently, though nothing too weird scary as of late, just normal day to day stuff: arguing with family and/or friends, viewing developments in family and friends, and the latest was realizing the weather turned and that I absolutely need shoes for going out (even for the trash!) as the dream gave me a good zoom in frame-by-frame of critters (snakes specifically) wandering past me as I do normal day to day things (like taking out the trash). I guess with the colder weather (wind and rain), my brain telling me not to be surprised by such things, hee hee. 

Also in my observations this week when trying to teach my child proper word choice when phrasing requests and/or questions, I noticed that I am not actually sure she isn't doing it on purpose as she has been deciding lately that all the pronouns be changed in all her established roles (ie., Marshall and Skye have switched genders for a week now, and today, she, herself was a boy, very adamantly, a boy). Luna had a normal day,  today, per usual, as she played with pups, coloring, and screens. I was kind of expecting a late morning but it was earlier than normal and she has been active all day long! Today's pizza night is home-cooked and as a bonus, we get to belt out Les Miserables! Fun fun fun!

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