Book of the week: german children book: Henry Hühnchen

So I came across this site when googling and I found it to be pretty fun. The German Project is a German learning site and as language YouTubers and the overall concept of learning tells me, children's books (or anything that has simple text and lots of descriptive pictures) are one of the best ways to do learn. The first book I came across on this site was Henry Hühnchen (direct translation is Henry Chicken, English book title is Chicken Little). I was pretty excited to see this as it was (as I remember it) one of the first books I ever learned how to read and used it so much the hardback covers and spine were literally falling apart.

Now if I understood the words correctly (which I am pretty sure I did, as it has a translation button, and I used it to check my comprehension with) is a very modern up to date version. Henry finds out the sky is falling from the internet! One by one his bird friends find out and they all go nuts until they come across the fox (writing on his laptop) and he tricks them into the dark never see or hear from the birds again but the fox is fat and happy the next morning (something about stupid birds) when he goes back to his writing!  In the English version, I remember that it was more of a happy coincidence for the fox as he didn't engineer the acorn falling from the tree. However, this version seems heavily implied (maybe?) That Freddy Fuchs (fox) set it all up. 

The funny thing about this was even though I know and love the story, I was still kind of shocked when I realized what was happening (maybe because I understood it in German?). But yeah, for some fun modern-day, kid-friendly, German versions of a few classic stories, check out The German Project .com!

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