Downsizing pants, pups, and Jon Solo

Today while Luna played along with the big screen and all her stuffed animals and blankets (side-stepping into playing outside on occasion) and making a big old mess in the living room, my adventure was downsizing a pair of husband pants (it might be a theme this week) and while I was tackling that, I went into a rabbit hole of the YouTuber, Jon Solo. One of his main series' is all about explaining the origins of well-loved (or not so loved) stories we all know: fables, fairytales, myths and legends, as well as, beloved movies and books. I knew some of the origin stories, however, I was unaware that there were just as many "happy" endings as "messed up" endings (the bad guys and/or good guys didn't always die) and while most-if not all-of them had some sort of moral or lesson involved (especially ones that were ages and ages-old), there were some that were just written out of the whims of the author. If you like watching that type of stuff I highly recommend him!

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